Our Team
The Baptist Union of Southern Africa is led by an executive team made up of full-time and part-time staff, as well as volunteer servant leaders.
Serving our union of churches
operational LEADERSHIP
The operational leaders of the Baptist Union make up the National Ministry Leader, the National Administrator, Missions Developer,
Each network or association within the Baptist Union elects a leader who forms part of the National Leadership Council of the Union.
Departments and Ministries within our Union either have elected or employed leadership who also sit on the National Leadership Council of the Union.
The BTC Board is the legally recognised responsible body of people for the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa. They are registered as Board members and work at applying the outcome expectations of the Baptist Union of Southern Africa. The Board also ensures that the registration with the Department of Education is monitored correctly. The Board manages matters in terms of law, constitution, training of Pastors/Missionaries and Youth Workers. It also acts as the Senate of the College, approving Masters’ dissertations and matters of discipline.
The Senior Staff operate with the Principal in terms of the daily running of the College and regular upgrading of the vision programme. Two Baptist subjects and three exposure subjects ensure that students are trained in the practical ministry of the Baptist Union (practical exposure). BTC is one of two official Baptist Union Training Colleges.
The Baptist Union Foundation is the support-raising arm of the Baptist Union. It consists of the Director, Graham Wood, and the Foundation Committee which meets together from time to time.
The aim of the Foundation is to place The Baptist Union on a firm financial footing to not only maintain but increase its ministry and effectiveness. Its role is to encourage each member church and fellowship to fulfil their responsibility to the Baptist Union by supporting it financially through its membership fees and a portion or a tithe of its income to support the BU in its work amongst its member churches. There are also individuals who have become ‘Foundation Partners’ in their personal capacity. This part of the programme is handled by Naomi Scheepers. They pledge R1 200 per annum towards the BU. In return, they receive a complimentary copy of the ‘Baptists Today’ magazine and other benefits.
We are grateful to all those churches and individuals who faithfully support the Baptist Union.
The next-gen department exists to facilitate effective children and youth ministries in every local church through outreach, training and commissioning to ensure a vibrant future for our denomination by:
- Empowering the local church for Children, Youth and Young Adult ministries
- Ensuring every local church has a trained Youth Worker
- Establishing strategic partners who vigorously champion Youth Ministry
- Employing proven ministry interventions in reaching this generation
The aim of the BWN is to win people to the Lord Jesus Christ and to foster the spirit of fellowship, intercession and service among women.
- To fulfil the requirements of the Mission and Vision Statements as well as the Core Values of the department.
- To serve the Denomination in its total work for the Kingdom of God in every way it can, particularly in its ministry among women.
- To co-ordinate Women’s Ministry in churches and Associations in order to facilitate growth and effectiveness.
- To raise and disburse funds in order to promote its ministry.
The Cape Town Baptist Seminary Board of Directors is a group of people approved by the Baptist Union Assembly via the Executive to effectively serve as the Board of Governors for the institutional management, administrative, financial and legal oversight of the Seminary’s affairs. The Board is legally established and registered with the CPIC in terms of the New Companies Act of 2008 to oversee all the requirements of the Seminary’s responsibilities as a registered Non-Profit Company.
In SAPS, Employee Health and Wellness (EHW) is the section constituted by three sub-sections: Psychological, Social Work and Spiritual Services (Chaplaincy). The vision of Chaplaincy is to achieve spiritual empowerment of SAPS employees through ministering the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to provide counselling in times of stress and bereavement. SAPS rely on called pastors to perform this duty.
Unlike our co-workers (Psychologists and Social Workers) who have their Professional Boards to which they are all accountable and responsible to keep to their Professional Code of Conduct, chaplains do not have such. But they do have their Churches and Denominations to serve this purpose. Therefore, SAPS rely on BU to be able to hold their pastors deployed in the department accountable to keep to their Code of Conduct and responsibilities as ministers of the Gospel. Thus, chaplains are required by SAPS to submit Letters of Good Standing from their churches (BU) regularly. They are also required by BU to present ministry reports regularly. This calls for better and enhanced collaboration between BU and Chaplains serving the SAPS, SANDF, Security Services and Emergency Services to ensure accountability so that ministry remains ministry and is not reduced to just another JOB.
The Christian Citizenship Committee of the BU exists to facilitate and promote the above ideals, to bear witness to the will of God in matters of society, to communicate with government concerning legislation that affects the welfare of our fellow citizens, and to seek to do good to our fellow citizens and neighbours in all matters pertaining to the common good of our land and all its people.
With regard to internal functions within the Baptist Union structures, DOLM works in collaboration with the Baptist Missions Department in promoting the emergence of an integrated and holistic approach to missions, thus challenging every local church with the vision of becoming a centre of care and compassion in their neighbourhood. As such, the function of DOLM is that of a catalyst and a facilitator of development and relief. We support, promote and resource the initiative of the local church. Externally, DOLM networks and partners with other similar organisations in order to alleviate poverty and provide relief where necessary.
The finance committee exists to set financial policy; manage and oversee the financial records of The Baptist Union and its various departments; regularly report the financial position of The Baptist Union; set budgets for approval by the annual Assembly; monitor the financial results of The Baptist Union against the approved budget; ensure that funds are used in accordance with The Baptist Union Constitution; present the annual audited financial statements to the annual Assembly and ensure that The Baptist Union is able to function effectively within its financial means.
The Ministry Board seeks to administer the Ministry Lists of The Baptist Union and provide support and welfare services to pastors.
Working in conjunction with four BU-recognised Colleges, the Board receives and evaluates applications for Ministerial Recognition. Interviews are arranged twice a year (Cape Town and Johannesburg) where applicants are recommended for Full Accreditation, Probationer, Student Pastor and Candidate Status.
Probationer and Student Pastors are enlisted in a two-year in-service training programme under the supervision of a Fully Accredited Advisor. The Ministry Board subsequently receives and evaluates confidential reports from the Ministerial Advisors and Church Leaders for recommendation to the National Executive and BU Assembly for acceptance to the Fully Accredited List.
The Ministry Board Co-ordinator liaises with the National Department of Home Affairs for the application, registration and updating of Marriage Officer Designations; maintains accurate personal records of ± 900 Pastors and assists in the compilation and editing of the BU and Assembly Handbooks; serves on the Ministerial Settlements Committee and as a Trustee of The Baptist Union Pension Fund and offers guidance, compassion and assistance to members and their beneficiaries.
The Missions Board consists of the Missions Developer, Associate Missions Developer (if any), the General Secretary and two members appointed by the Executive, two members appointed by the Assembly and one member appointed by the Missions Developer (to represent the missionaries). The function of the Board is to provide direction for The Baptist Union in matters related to missions in accordance with the Objectives and Functions of the Baptist Missions Department. The Board meets twice a year. The Baptist Missions Department serves primarily to facilitate the work of mission through the local church and also to act as a sending agency.